Are you yearning to add a cat to your family but worried your dog won’t approve? Check out these 14 cat breeds that are known for getting along famously with dogs!
If you already have a dog but would love to add a cat to your family, you might assume that it’s a no-go. But that’s not the case at all! While it’s true that some cats and dogs don’t get along, there are plenty of cat breeds that are friendly around dogs. That said, it’s easiest to introduce a cat to the idea of living with a dog while they’re still kittens.
Choosing one of these 14 cat breeds will give you the best chance of creating a happy household where your cat and dog can end up bonding. You might even find them napping and playing together, the ultimate signs of a happy household!
The 14 Cat Breeds That Get Along With Dogs the Most
1. Birman
- Origin: Burma (Myanmar)
- Personality: Outgoing, playful, inquisitive
- Extra perk: May enjoy walks with your dog!
2. Abyssinian
- Origin: Southeast Asia
- Personality: Playful, engaging, adventurous
- Extra perk: Loves learning tricks with your dog!
3. Bombay
- Origin: USA (1950s, crossbreeding black American Shorthairs with sable Burmese)
- Personality: Energetic, affectionate, adaptable
- Extra perk: Loves to be the boss and learns new tricks quickly.
4. American Shorthair
- Origin: Early American settlers (1620)
- Personality: Laidback, sociable, playful
- Extra perk: Equally happy playing or napping with dogs.
5. Norwegian Forest Cat
- Origin: Norway
- Personality: Gentle, friendly, slightly wary of strangers
- Extra perk: Loves water—might enjoy pond playdates!
6. Maine Coon
- Origin: USA (1800s)
- Personality: Affectionate but independent, slow maturing
- Extra perk: Entertains dogs until dinner time.
7. Ragdoll
- Origin: USA (recent breed, accepted by Cat Fanciers’ Association in 2000)
- Personality: Chilled out, loves relaxing
- Extra perk: Enjoys casual play with canine companions.
8. Siberian
- Origin: Siberia
- Personality: Hardy, loves people and other pets
- Extra perk: Outgoing and often finds companionship with dogs.
9. Japanese Bobtail
- Origin: Japan (over 1,000 years)
- Personality: Outgoing, playful, talkative
- Extra perk: Carries toys and enjoys water—keeps dogs entertained.
10. Tonkinese
- Origin: Blend of Burmese and Siamese breeds
- Personality: Loving, outgoing, attention-craving
- Extra perk: Happy with human or canine company.
11. British Shorthair
- Origin: United Kingdom
- Personality: Laidback, confident, undemanding
- Extra perk: Stands ground impressively with energetic dogs.
12. Turkish Angora
- Origin: Ankara, Turkey
- Personality: Playful, intelligent, determined
- Extra perk: Makes sure to keep everyone, including dogs, entertained.
13. Turkish Van
- Origin: Turkey
- Personality: Intelligent, interactive, loves water
- Extra perk: Enjoys fetch games and training sessions with dogs.
14. Devon Rex
- Origin: United Kingdom (1959)
- Personality: Energetic, outgoing, loves interaction
- Extra perk: Thin coat means they might snuggle up to your dog for warmth.
What This Means for You and Your Furry Friends
The significance of these cat breeds that get along with dogs is monumental for multi-pet households. You no longer have to choose between a canine or feline companion; you can have both and ensure they become the best of friends. This can create a harmonious living environment full of playful banter and mutual affection.
As we look forward to expanding our households, keeping these cat breeds in mind can lead to countless joyful moments. From adorable naps together to shared play sessions, these interspecies friendships remind us of the beauty of coexistence. So, if you’re contemplating a new addition to your family, consider one of these cat breeds that can usher in a future of boundless love and happiness.